Baseball News

As you may have figured, the big news in Baltimroe today is the firing of the manager Sam Perlazzo, who has been replaced with the Bullpen coach, Dave Tremebly. Rumors suggest that the Orioles will try to go for a more pernament replacement like Joe Girardi.

This comes one day after Kevin Millar told reporters that none of this was Sam's fault. That he wasnt the blame of any of it. Meanwhile, on the topic of the bullpen, they have been 0-5 with an ERA of around 8 in the 8 game losing streak for the Orioles.


This suggests that the Orioles may start a firesale, which has been suggested in the Baltimore Sun and on In this case, Williams (who has been cut since that article was published), Williamson, Trachsel, Tejada, Mora, and Payton, are all rumored to be on the list to be traded. The Angels have already inquried about Tejada, no NL East teams have inquired about any of them rececntly.

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One Response to Baseball News

  1. Anonymous says:

    If someone was willing to sign Chan Ho Park, imagine the market for Trax? There has to be at least six teams despierately enough to sign a guy with an unjustifyable high win/loss record, a high ERA, and an extremely slow mound presence.

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