Making Up For Lost Posts: Braves @ Mets Review

Over the next three posts I will be talking about a few series that I didn't get to review the games due to a busy schedule. Lets go back in time a bit for this one. The Mets opened up this series with the Braves in the midst of a seven game winning streak. The Mets would first lose by a wide margin of 8-2, then won an exciting game in the bottom of the ninth on a walk off walk, and then would lose the rubber game of this series in the 12th inning.

Some notes from this series included a frustrating first game as Santana gave a great performance and it was wasted by a sloppy bullpen followed by some sloppy defense. Really that was what happened in the game as Santana was the star and got no credit for it. The second game was all Beltran as he played great the entire game and then took it to the next level in the ninth inning. He got a double to start it off, and later stole third, on a call that Chipper whined about (and knowing him, the next time we play the Braves he probably will bring it up again) and the Mets drew a few walks and the next thing we know, Beltran is walking into home plate for the winning run. This game was also a big deal because Pelfrey really made a nice start to this game, starting a streak where Pelfrey would be effective on the mound and keeping the Mets in the game. The last game was a tough loss but the Mets might not have deserved this win as they started with allowing over 5 runs in about 5 runs, but the Braves did the same thing.

All in all, it was disappointing to drop 2 of 3 after winning 7 straight, but thats the way the game goes sometimes. The Mets would then after this game embark on 10 game road trip that they faced three very good teams.

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