Have the Mets Ever Done what the Red Bulls are about to?

Last year I wrote about how the Red Bulls do things for season ticket holders that the Mets should emulate, like adding value onto our cards (Red Bull season tickets are on credit card) or providing actual perks like games added to our schedules. This came out of multiple days last year where fans walking up to Citi Field day of ended up paying considerably less for the same or better seats then season ticket holders.

If you follow the MLS, then you know this has not been a good week for the Metrostars (once again, if you don’t follow the MLS, this is the old name for the Red Bulls franchise) supporters. Loved player turned maybe one of the better coaches in team history, Mike Petke, who brought home the only trophy in team history, who brought the team to the conference finals last year was sacked this week and there really isn’t a good explanation why.

Fans have gone almost nuclear (I have gone almost nuclear over this).

Last night I received an email from the Red Bulls saying they are going to have a Town Hall meeting with the GM and some of the new coaching staff next Friday for 300 season ticket holders to address staffing and direction of the team concerns. I know that this will end up just being a propaganda event however, it’s nice that they will possibly engage us directly on these concerns. Before I jump out and say, “Hey! The Mets should have done that! Especially with Madoff scandal several years ago!”, have done this? Maybe they did and I missed it. If they haven’t, it’s a great idea.

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