Kinsler, Giant Idol, Mets and the Media

The Rangers are really trying to lock up a youth movement. Although terms of the contract that is being negotiated are unknown, it is known that the Rangers do want to lock up Kinsler to a long term deal as well, to keep a strong middle infield of Kinsler and Young.

If the rangers keep Texaria after this year as well, for a long range deal, Texas could have a very good infield, if the numbers grow as they are right now of course.

Many people remeber last year when the San Fran Giants had their idol competition. Barry Bonds was Paula Abdul in the rookie and charity event. They had it again yesterday, this time Barry Zito was Paula Abudl.

The Mets yesterday had a media photoshoot that involved…cooking stuff. They all had cooking tools and ingrediants for the New York Papers

Um…i dont know what is worse…this public relations photo shoot, or the public relatiosn slogan…and im pretty sure ive seen a picture of ozzy guillen of the white sox recently with cooking stuff too, to say like a pinch of a bench or stir with bull pen and stuff….wierd

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