Happy President’s Day.
I was watching the MLB Network tonight, who ran a story about the Nationals’ tryouts for their running mascots. If you don’t know, and I have no idea how you wouldn’t know this, the Nationals have one of the best reincarnations of the racing mascots at their stadiums with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. The race is rigged so Teddy doesn’t win.
In an attempt to be funny, or something (honestly I have no idea why), the Broadcasters had a discussion about if they feel Teddy can actually win. It led with Bill Ripken exclaiming that its rigged (as to move the conversation along) and Eric Byrnes showing off an impressive amount of knowledge of US Presidents.
Anyway, they also showed some video of the Racing Presidents visiting the New York Islanders. For President’s day. Apparently this has been happening for a few years now.
I. Don’t. Get. It.