Numbers Daily: August Stolen Bases Part 3

In the latter part of August, the 17th on, the Mets stole 25 bases. Here are some splits:

In 6 home games, they stole 16 bases.
In the first 3 Away games they stole 4 bases.
In the first 4 Away games agaisnt Philly, they stole 4 bases.
In the first 3 Away games agaisnt Philly, they stole 1 base.
They won 7 games in that 14 game stretch, and stole 9 bases.
They lost 7 games in that 14 game stretch, and stole 16 bases.
They lost back to back games agaisnt the Padres where they stole 5 bases in each game.


Lets keep running

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