MLB 2011 Uniform Changes: San Diego Padres

The Padres revealed part of their new uniform set yesterday which you can read about and see pictures of on Uni Watch Blog. The short story is that there are some solid changes that we know about, but there are more coming that there is still some question as to what they will be. The changes that we know about include the camo jerseys have a new look and the emblem was slightly changed. What has not been completely revealed yet are the changes to the road uni.

Anyway, I feel the changes to the camo jersey are an improvement to what they used to be (image originally from the previously linked to Uni Watch Blog article). I think they look more authentic, but they could be hard to see on a dirt infield. Overall, I'm never really nuts about camo jerseys (not just for aesthetic reasons, but I feel there are a lot more proactive ways to support to the military rather than passively wearing a jersey based off of real uniforms).

The change to the emblem is very minor. (Once again, image from Uni Watch Blog). No comment really on the change, it doesn't really effect anything.

The rumored change, as reported by Uni Watch, is that the road uni's might lose the sand color. I'll reserve comment until I see them.

So overall, I would give the changes an upgrade so far, but its an upgrade from something that I didn't like to something I don't really like (for the reasons really to do outside of aesthetics). It's not the worse uniform change of the offseason, that is still reserved for the “rebranding” of the Nationals.

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