Orioles and Mets: So Close To Meeting Each Others Needs

The Mets have been linked to just about every team this off season that could be in the market for a First Basemen.

At the start of the off season, it looked like the Mets might try to bundle Davis or Duda with either a young starter or another player (Murphy) to get a big name bat for the outfield or short stop. After the Mets lost out on Peralta, it looked liked the trade route would be for a short stop and free agency for the outfield. The Mets were able to fill the outfield by two free agency signings (Granderson, Young) and their other need of starter by free agency (Colon). The last big piece the Mets are looking for is a short stop, possibly in Stephen Drew. However, since Drew is not a top ten short stop, they don’t want to commit a number of years for Drew or a large contract, especially if they are still carrying Davis.

The Orioles are on the inaction side of the off season boat. The deal with Balfour fell through and they traded away Jim Johnson. Their primary needs are a starter and a closer, with either an outfield or first base bat as the next need. The starter market is still alive, but outside of Arroyo, the market will require the Orioles to give up a draft pick, something they are reluctant to do. If it comes down to it, my gut says the Orioles will give up a draft pick for a starter, and not a position player. This takes the Orioles, at least temporarily, out of the running for Cruz and Morales.

Duda, Davis and Murphy on the Mets make sense for the Orioles.

JJ Hardy, Rodriguez, and Britton make sense for the Mets.

The problem is coming down to how the teams value their players.

The Mets have a high regard for Murphy, as they should. It is hard to find a consistent hitting second basemen, which is why the Mets asking price for Murphy is incredibly high. The Orioles have high regards for Hardy, as it is hard to find a power hitting short stop. With the Granderson signing, the Mets trading for Hardy no longer makes too much sense. He would cost too much in a trade and doesn’t help the Mets leadoff search.

So for the Mets it comes down to Rodriguez and Britton. The Orioles are high on Rodriguez, so are the Mets. This where the deal breaks down. (The rest is now speculation). The Orioles probably want either Davis/Duda + prospect or just Murphy. The Mets are looking to just move Davis.

I know I’m cycling the same Hot Stove show from SNY this week, but I agree that Britton makes sense here. Britton is coming off of a down year like Davis. When it comes to prospects and players living up to their original ceilings, a Britton / Davis trade in the long run makes sense. The Orioles have had success with another player like Davis, Chris Davis and turned him into all-star. The Mets are about enter a young arm evolution, and could use Britton.

Here’s hoping something happens.

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