How the Flury of Baseball News Yesterday Impacts the Mets

Yesterday was an incredibly unusual day as a large amount of trades and signings were made a week before the winter meetings and all on the same day. (And Billy Beane traded about 1938103940393 players in 43958201 trades)

Frustrating to Mets fans, the Mets didn’t do anything. Although we found out that the Mets bought Curtis Granderson a salmon over the weekend.

Some moves don’t impact the Mets, others do. I’m going to try to focus on only the ones that impact the Mets.

Ellsbury to the Yankees – Frustrating because the Yankees made yet another major move this off-season while the Mets remain quiet. For the most part, this is a good move for the Mets. Either Choo or Ellsbury needed to sign so Beltran, Cruz and Granderson would start to sign, the Mets being interested in the latter.

Fowler to the Astros via Trade – The Mets were interested in Fowler and he was traded for spare parts. This would make it harder for the Mets to work out a trade with the Rockies especially with…

Morneau to the Rockies – This is the killer to go with the above. With Morneau now on the Rockies, they have no reason to work out a trade with the Mets for Davis/Duda, knocking competition to get a better deal from either the Rockies or another team.

Pierzynski, Saltalamacchia, Wil Nieves, Ryan Hanigan, McCann, Navarro – Not all of these catchers signed yesterday but a ton of free agent catchers have been signed this off season (including Pena and Jose Molina not listed above) this could impact the Mets in two ways. First, if the Mets try to get Arencibia as a back up, they might have some competition because catchers are flying off the market. Second, if a team really needs a catcher, the Mets might have some interesting pieces via trade in either d’Arnaud or Plawecki. Maybe their value rises (I’m not too keen on this option).

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