From May to June last year, the Mets had Vinny Rottino on the team and had to use him as a starter on B-Roster Days. I remember one of these days clearly. it was the start where Johan Santana pitched a complete game shut out before pitching his no hitter. The Mets won 9-0 thanks to home runs by Scott Hairston, Vinny Rottino and a grand slam by Mike Nickeas. The starting lineup that day was Torres, Turner, Wright, Hairston, Duda, Rottino, Cedeno, Nickeas and Santana. Seriously, not the group of guys who go on to win a game 9-0 (Davis, Murphy and Kirk, who was looking good back then, had the day off to start the game). Anyway Rottino went on to hit his first homer of his career that day and his second one of his career in his next game against the Phillies. He was later claimed by the Indians and would hit a homer for them to.
Well now Vinny, who bounced around the minors a lot, is playing in Japan on a 350K deal with 100K in bonuses. In the uniform department, he did very well. Check out his new digs via the Orix Buffaloes:
Few baseball uniforms come off as intimidating. These may.