I have a personal problems with asterisks, and it has nothing to do with steroids. I feel compelled to use them to explain the whole truth of the situation, even when the truth is not poetic, wordy, and takes meaning away from a special event.
For example, as a High School Physics teacher, I cringe inside when I tell my students one of the laws of Physics is that “Matter Cannot Be Created Or Destroyed”, when theoretically that law can be broken on a quantum level as long as the effects are nullified within a Planck time. I then cringe because I know my students are just not there yet to start talking about quantum physics (maybe in June).
So if you are sitting by a computer next week, wondering what I feel about Opening Day, or standing by a tree, or walking down the street, you can probably guess how I feel about it. Although, I do highly doubt you, as a reader, are concerned at all about my personal feelings about Opening Day.
I will be cringing, or wailing (let’s get melodramatic at 5:45 in the morning), that its not really Opening Day. It may be Opening Day for the Mets, that would be completely true. However Opening Day was yesterday. Zero Fan Fare. Zero cares given by this guy writing this article (which surprised me too).
Opening Day is my favorite Day of the year, and it just doesn’t feel quite the same since the season already started.