Images of the New Marlins

For me personally, the nail in the coffin for losing a player in free agency, is the press conference where the player holds up the jersey. I can't really remember another time where a player I really liked left New York at an age when I could comprehend the meaning behind it. The only other player that I was very sad to see hold up another jersey would be Mike Piazza, but even then I knew we couldn't resign him. That we needed to break away from our generation's best player (yep! I'm a 90's kid). Anyway, to ease the pain of showing Reyes holding up his new Jersey, I included the other new Marlins doing it as well. This is one of those misery loves company types of things.




These images bring back feelings of 2005 and 2006 as the Mets revealed Pedro, Beltran, Wagner and Delgado. Now I just know what its like to be a major fan of one of those players from the other side.

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