It took me an extremely long time to get this level of frustration with the Wilpons.
I was raised in Baltimore, and although I was raised a Mets fan, I was generally only around Orioles news growing up. The Orioles hay-day ended as I went to Middle school, as their current slump started. From that time I have been surrounded by a fanbase with a truly awful ownership.
The time in my life when I was able to cognitively handle the politics and business of baseball was when I was in High School. At that point I could start to see how Peter Angelos was strangling a proud franchise. In the middle of my high school career was when the Wilpons made their “win now” movement signing players like Pedro, and Beltran. When I was freshman in college, the Wilpons wrapped up this period of time with the Santana contract.
Since that point of time the Wilpons have really moved away from this mentality.
While I'm fine with not spending a lot of money, I there is something when saving money comes in the way of winning. We shouldn't be giving out big contracts to sign players that flash in pan, but we need to make several key investments.
That is why the Reyes situation is beyond comprehension to me. Not paying Reyes because the team isn't ready yet just seems like a lame excuse. He, Wright, Davis are a strong enough core to help this team out. Plus with the walls moving in, Bay will probably have a much better year.
At this point, if it is the money, and not a baseball reason, why we let Reyes go, then it is time for Wilpons to go as well.