In our final installment of the 2011 Preview Series, we look at the our favorite team, the New York Mets.
The Mets have been bashed by the media and all prediction websites. They have no rotation. They have too many front office problems. There are no players coming up through the system. There is no hope. The bullpen is anchored by a crazy man.
All of the above, well is actually up for debate. Crazy, I know.
Before we start to walk through this year's team, let's look back to a year ago. Last season at this time we were all, or at least I was, raving about the offense, and worried about the rotation. Well after a full season of Mets baseball, the rotation was fine, the offense was just MIA. The Mets had a silently awesome rotation last season. Just no one knows about it.
What it comes down to for the Mets this season, is all the pieces just have to step up. Really the Mets don't have any key weak areas, it is just that they have had disappointing seasons from players in their current positions. If the majority of the Mets can at least be a fraction of what they are supposed to be, this team becomes amazing on paper. Picture this. If the Reyes is a shade of what he was in 2006 and Wright almost repeats last year. Bay becomes closer to his average and Beltran is Beltran. Pagan and Davis repeat and Thole steps up. Suddenly this line up is awesome. If Pelfrey stays consistent, Niese and Dickey repeat, and Capuano and Young extrapolate their springs, this rotation is really set.
That is they story right there of the 2011 Mets. If everyone just performs how they are supposed to, this team is scary. This team makes a playoff run. I know that is a lot to ask for. Someone won't step up probably. But at the same time, someone will that we were not expecting.
Of course I feel this way because I follow the Mets, and I know the ceilings of all the players. Perhaps I'm more positive this year solely because everyone else is so negative. When it is all said and recorded on the internet, I feel there are strong reasons to believe this team can win.