MLB 2011 Uniform Changes: San Diego Padres Part 2

Earlier this week there was a discussion about the uniform changes to the Padres. At that time we had, via Uni Watch Blog, images of the uniform changes to the Sunday camo uniforms and the logo patch. Also at that time, it was said there was going to be a change to the Road uniform as well.

Well here is an image of it, via the ticker on Uni Watch Blog on this past Thursday.

Overall this is an upgrade. If you remember, the road uniform used to be sand, and the hat used to have a gold SD on it. This looks much better, probably because it looks more traditional.

Now that we have images for all of the uniform changes to the set, I think it is safe to say that these changes overall (including the change to the camo) are an overall upgrade to Padres uniform set.

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