Mets Manager Interviews Starting To Take Shape

Well fans, we are essentially about to be in the full swing of Mets Manager Interviews as they have just started to go underway and more interviews are being set up for next week. Here is a recap, with information mostly collected from Mets Blog, of the people who have had confirmed interviews to become the Mets skipper –

Ken Oberkfell – Oberkfell is currently the manager for the Bisons and has a fairly impressive non-Major League managing resume. He is the manager right now for a team in the Dominican (the same team that he led to the championship last season) and in 2005 he was the Minor League Manager of the year. As a player he has one World Series Ring and an additional pennant. What hurts him is that he does not have any major league experience as a Manager.

Bob Melvin – Already Interviewed. I am slowly warming up to the idea of having Melvin as a manager. He has experience on all sides and is considered to be smart. I guess what disappoints me with Melvin is that he isn't Mazzilli, but I wouldn't complain if Melvin was hired.

David Jauss – Also Already Interviewed.

Wally Backman – To Be Interviewed this weekend.

Chip Hale – To Be Interviewed this weekend. Ownership has been vocal that they want him involved on the management team no matter who the next manager is

Terry Collins – To Be Interviewed this weekend.

Don Wakamatsu – No Interview confirmed yet. But I have a strong feeling he will end up being slotted soon (unless someone else on this list blows Sandy away).

As for other people, if a planned interview isn't decided by the end of the next week, then they probably will not be considered for the position. In other words, I think the Mets will try to wrap up the first round of interviews as quickly as possible.

Other Management/Front Office News:

In addition to Hale, ownership apparently also wants to keep Warthen on for next season. As much as I like Hale, and as indifferent as I am to Dan, I really feel that ownership should not be doing this. The coaching staff should be the responsibility of the new manager or Sandy.

Sandy is making progress in trying to get DePodesta as he has now been granted permission from the Padres to talk to him. I would love for him, Riccardi and Sandy to all have a chance to fill in the gaps on the roster for next season. It would be a great set of brains to try to find affordable talent to give this team some nice surprises for next season.

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