There is a lot risk in buying a player's T-shirt or Jersey and I should because I have made a lot of these purchases over the years. Now when I say there is a lot of risk, I mean as much risk as can go in to buying some fabric for $15 to $25. The risk is generally summed up in “how long can I wear this shirt?”. Is this player going to be a star? Am I going to like this player enough to represent the name on the back with the name on the front? Will this player get in a conflict with the team that will be overall negative? Will this player suck? Will this shirt be wearable after the player retires?
I've had shirts that have fallen all over the place. I still like to wear my Leiter and Floyd shirts. Wright and Reyes never go out of style. For some reason I am perfectly alright with wearing my Murphy shirt from time to time. There is one shirt that stays locked in my closet under bad purchases while I was young and stupid: