Just like the American League yesterday, there are a good amount of creative promotions in the month of July in the National League. The rules are the same like always, automatic shoutouts go to teams giving away Jerseys and pins, all other shoutouts have to be creative and cause the average fan to pause and think.
Philly: When I think of WB Mason, I think of that advertisement in the Bronx, but they also located in Philly and Boston. On July 11th the Phillies will be giving away toy trucks for the famous company:

Washington: I am surprised that the Nationals are allowed to give this away on the 3rd:

I'm surprised because it is an exact replica of the authentic one they where on the field. So you can go to the game and get this not fitted one for free compared to the actual one for $35. Strange, I guess.
Chicago NL: The Cubs continue their four part pin giveaway.
St. Louis: There are no words to describe this when you see it public, but I'm so glad they are making it a promotion:

LA Dodgers: They continue their action figure series. No really its a real thing. This month its Ethier:

Bonus this month: Manny also has an action figure:

San Fran Giants: Rivalries are great. Promotions like a beach towell make them even better: