This month I'm trying something new. Instead of forcing the rest of the major league into one promotion preview article, I'm going to break it up into two which should allow me to focus more on the cool things that teams are doing and should also save me some sanity as this article, for 29 teams, generally takes a long time to write when its all in one part. Anyway, your American League highlights (all images via the network of sites):
Baltimore: Right off the bat they get an automatic mention in this article as on July 17th they will be giving out an orange replica Brooks Robinson Jersey. Awesome. Also, they will be giving out an item I'm surprised you don't see more often at the ballpark: the tankard. It just seems logical to have this at the game because its fantastic for home bars. Anyway besides that, the Orioles are their normal self as they will also be fitting in two t-shirt nights in the month as well. Good work Baltimore. Here's the Brooksie Jersey:

Tampa Bay: This is fantastic. In the beginning of the month they are having a Vanilla Ice concert and they are giving away David Price shirts that say “Price Price Baby”.
Kansas City: Hat giveaways are common. However sometimes a team makes a hat that is really worth noting and this one of them. Check out this old time KC hat:

Come back tomorrow for National League July Promotion Look!