Catchers Catchers Catchers

Some people collect baseball cards, others collect stamps, some may collect coins and the Mets collect catchers. (This was the only way I have been able to mentally justify the amount of catchers we have signed this season, with the large amount we already have). The latest signing of Rod Barajas probably makes Barajas the starter (which sends Santos spiraling down to playing back up for Thole). In other words instead of having an average hitter, we will have the best defensive duo (including Blanco) in all of baseball (Personally, I like defensive catchers so I'm alright with this).

However, although it seems like Barajas and Blanco (I feel nicknames tying these two together brewing, especially if they both perform poorly like the B-Squad) have these jobs locked up, there is room for competition to crown some of the other catchers in camp to the MLB roster.

Which leads me to the ultimate point of this article. Its going to be crazy out there for the first few spring training games. The Mets could easily have 6 catchers catching in the same game. Talk about Spring Squads, its going to get ridiculous out there. Thats why I'm hoping that, although there is a lot of competition for these catcher spots, they decide starter and back up soon because its important this Spring for pitchers to get comfortable with the catchers they will be working with during this season.

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