Mets 2009 Draft Picks Day Three

Thursday was the third day of the MLB Draft and the teams drafted players for rounds 31 to 50 as they the minor league teams fill up with players and we start to look to see if the Mets got any hidden gems in the bottom rounds. Here are the Mets picks for those rounds starting with the round number, the name, and the pick number:

31. Mitchell Haniger (944)
32. Thomas Chism (974)
33. James Schoreder (1004)
34. Camdem Maron (1034)
35. Wesley Wrenn (1064)
36. Lance Hoge (1094)
37. Brandon Sage (1124)
38. William Cherry (1154)
39. Anthony Whitenton (1184)
40. Jerome Pena (1214)
41. Travis Ozga (1244)
42. Ryan Gunhouse (1274)
43. Robert Rinard (1304)
44. James Wooster (1334)
45. Jacob Johanson (1364)
46. John Pillzington (1394)
47. Ryan Mollica (1424)
48. Joseph Mantiply (1454)
49. Joshua Easley (1484)
50. Zachary Godly (1514)

And the overall last pick in the draft was selected by the Angels with pick 1521 and they selected Alibay Barkley, out of high school, which makes you wonder if he will go to a school.

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