The 2009 MLB Draft ended its second day this afternoon and the teams drafted players round 4 through 30 as almost 1000 players have been drafted to this point. Today is the day when a scout's talent is put to the test as these picks are not throw away picks and real gems can be found in these rounds and teams take risks on players with sign ability issues. Here are the Mets draft picks today listed by their round and their overall pick after their name.
4. David Ceciliani (134)
5. Damien Magnifico (164)
6. David Buchanan (194)
7. Darin Gorski (224)
8. John Freeman (254)
9. Jeffrey Glenn (284)
10. Nick Santomauro (314)
11. Samuel Honeck (344)
12. James Ewing (374)
13. Zachary Dotson (404)
14 Ronald Harris (434)
15. Casey Schmidt (464)
16. Jeffrey Greene (494)
17. Alexander Gregory (524)
18. Cody Holiday (554)
19. Nelfi Zapata (584)
20. Joseph August (614)
21. Joseph Bonfe (644)
22. Zachary Von Tersh (674)
23. John Church (704)
24. Michael Johnson (734)
25. Josh Dunn (764)
26. John Semel (794)
27. Kurt Steinhauer (824)
28. Brian Needham (854)
29. ZeEricka Hall (884)
30. Jordan Harrison (914)
This is always exciting because somewhere in this list, last night's picks and tomorrow's picks, there is a star waiting to come out and play baseball.