In this addition of baseball notes, there is a lot to go over. First thing up is if you get an email talking about Passover and all of the people who celebrate it, including Theo Epstein, part of the email is very, very false. The email has been circulating for a while now, I have heard since February 2nd, and it claims that because of Jewish ball players on the Red Sox, Theo Epstein, and other people in his box, they have moved the Red Sox homestand back a week for after Passover. This can be debunked pretty easily because one, they still have a homestand during passover, there is no press release about that and we all know its impossible to change the schdule around. No Koufax like movements this year.
You probably have heard by now but Hanley Ramierez had a flip out in the locker room the other day. The Marlins instituted a no long hair or jewerly rule, so Hanley came into the locker room with a message written in pernament marker on his chest saying that this was (explective). The best part after the team President calmed him down? The newspapers and media in Florida agreed with Hanely.
The Roster for the Mets is looking clearer now with another round of cuts. Most notable in my mind was Sullivan was sent down, which was expected, and that basically gives Reed a lock on the roster, which he should get because he play all three outfield spots better than Sullivan and has a better bat. In Pen, Dessens is going to have to beat out Stokes to get the longman job and be the second leftie in the pen. Its going to be tough because Stokes is out of options.
Yesterday during the game broadcast they did an interview with Putz which was awesome. He gave very short answers and you can see he was trying to be intimidating. This also reminds me of a promotion the Mariners ran last year where they gave everyone a JJ Putz soul patch to put on their chin for the game (I hope the Mets are listening).