I've had a lot of baseball thoughts over the last few days, but nothing substantial enough for one per article, so this is going to be basically a tour through my mind right now. The other day, I saw a WBC commercial for the first time, and once again I thought ESPN did a good job getting the fans pumped up for this tournament. I'm very excited and that commercial got me even more ready. Last Classsic, ESPN and MLB put together a good advertisement campaign with the players flags over their faces. On the topic of the WBC, how nice was it today to see Mike Piazza as a coach. I had no idea he was the hitting coach forTeam Italy until today and I'm glad he's doing something in baseball again. Let's hope he starts a coaching career.
More on the WBC, Davey Johnson has decided to take the route of the Mets and the Phillies over the last few seasons and had declared Team USA as the team to beat in the classic. That wasn't really a bold statement when you look at the roster and the way the team has formed. The roster looks amazing and on top of that everyone on Team USA wants to win, not just play, but wants to win, and they want it bad, they are willing to bat ninth. Next week starts some great games, and I can't wait to see how things pan out.
On an unrelated note, I wasn't originally going to post this, but my friends in the Lab this afternoon convinced me it was worthy of typing. Everytime Rocky Cherry starts to pitch I think about how the Mets could stand to capitalize from naming some desserts after him. Like the Rocky Cherry's Rocky Road and Cherry Ice Cream Helmet. Its just a thought.