Special Patches 2009: Royals, Twins, Cardinals

So far this offseason, we have seen two Citi-Field Patches, a new Yankee Stadium Patch, and a special Padres patch. While searching the internet, I have found some more teams that are celebrating anniversaries and other events this year and have patches for those events. First up is the Kansas City Royals, who are celebrating thier 40th anniversary:

This is a nice, classy patch, using the colors of the Royals well and it just looks nice. Next up is the Twins, who are leaving the Metrodome this year, and have patch celebrating their time there:

Classic Stadium closing patch. Has the name of the stadium, the years there, and a picture of the stadium with a logo of the team. To bad the metrodome doesn't look that appealing, otherwise this patch would look better (the other way to view that statement is if the stadium looked better, they might not be leaving.). Next up is the Cardinals, with their patch celebrating the All-Star game this year:

Nice, classic logo. Has the name of the event, the year, the MLB logo, the Cards logo, and part of the city in the patch. Good job St. Louis. All images came from Patch Collectibles, a great place online to get classic patches from over many years of Baseball events and other sports events.

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