There's a lot to report today, mainly being some signings here and there and some other news. Specifically to the Mets, today marked the day when the last section of Shea fell to the ground. the remaining piece of Shea that was left yesterday was basically a section of the ramp. Now all thats left for Shea is to become a parking lot, but news has come out saying that on the parking lot, there will be marks that denote where the plate, bases, and pitching mound was at Shea. Thats a nice mark. The other Mets news, which can be read all over the net today was that the Mets had their vertical jumps today, where Wright impressed with a 34 mark, but Pagan got the high with a 39.
Pagan is starting as a long shot to make the team thanks to Murphy and Tatis, but don't be surprised if he makes his way on the roster some way. He did it last year, impressed in April, then after injury in May could never get back. If his bat looks nice, he will find his way to the bench, and possibly make things really confusing in the Mets outfield.
First, it looks like the Orioles have reached a four year extension with Roberts, at around 10 million a year. This has been rumored for a while that it would eventually happen. Living in Baltimore, I know that Roberts really is the most loved player right now on the roster, no matter what he does, so this is a good PR move for the Orioles. On the Baseball side. Right now Roberts is abover average as 2B go, the issue is how will he be in 4 years. The Orioles have little in the system at 2B, so I think this is a good move on the baseball side as well. This morning, it seemed that Griffy was going to be a Brave according to the Braves Press. The Braves Brass think that Griffy is leaning towards the Mariners. One thing that has been thrown around a lot is that the loser of this will get Garrett Anderson. Hopefully a resolution will be reached soon, because I am tired of reading about Griffy.