Reports are starting to surface that the Mets are still interested in Pedro. Thats fine but where does he fit? Before getting to his struggles last year, the Mets currently have one starting rotation spot open, which they are hoping to fill with Perez, and that seems like it will happen, then if that doesn't, it will be filled by Wolf. In fact, the only situation I see Pedro getting that spot over Perez and Wolf is if they sign Manny, then have to sign Pedro…which would cause earthquakes around the world by the collective Mets fan groan.
So lets say the Mets do sign Perez, and then sign Pedro, where does he go? Well he can't get in the rotation unless in Spring he beats out Redding and Niese, which is a far shot. And I really can't see him in the pen, because he would have to be a long inning man. That really seems the only place where he could go. He could go to the minors, but why would he do that. I think what I am trying to get is that I don't understand bringing Pedro back at all. I really think it is time to retire and to start coaching. If the Mets signed Pedro as a pitching coach in the minors, that could be the best thing ever. Back in the day, his curveball and his changeup were the best in the business (can you imagine Pedro teaching Niese about his backdoor curveball).