Keep Fighting, Keep Fighting

The last two nights have been example of why this September, the Mets are different than what they were this April and May. In April and May this team didn't really have fight in them. If they lost the lead, they shrugged it off (hangover from that attitude from most of 2007). This team however walks onto the ballfield and they expect to win. Not only do they expect to win, they know what they have to do to win, and they do it. The pitching has failed the Mets over the last two games, but the bats have not, they have picked up the slack and they kept going.

Last night it would have been very easy for the Mets to turn it down after they took a 7-1 lead, but they didn't and they were able to respond when the Nationals tied it up. They were able score more runs and get that win. One of the differences is that the Mets are hitting with runners in scoring position. I don't know the exact stat, but it doesn't matter becuase it feels like they are killing the ball right now with RISP, and its that feeling that other teams get when the play the Mets now, and its that fear, that nervousness from other teams, that will make this September different from other September.

Last note about last night, how about David Wright. He has been struggling as of late, so what does he do? He goes 4-4 with a double, two singles and knocks in a homer. He also makes an amazing play without a glove. Does this mean he reenters MVP talks? Did he ever leave? The Mets have 3 legitamate canididates for the MVP, and the voting will be interesting. Talking about nice plays, I hope you say Tatis's flying grab last night, it was awesome.

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