Today In Baseball History

The Baltimore Sun today has an impressive list of events that happened baseball today. If you have a copy of the newspaper, the list can be found on page 7Z. Here are some of the highlights:
    1917: Hank Goudy becomes the first player to enter World War I
    1939: “The Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves played a 23-inning, 2-2 tie. Whit Wyatt pitched the first 16 innings for the             Dodgers. Bot clubs played a 26-inning tie in 1920”
    1993: “Anthony Young of the New York Mets set a major league record by losing his 24th straight decision, 5-3 to teh St. Lousi             Cardinals”
    2003: “Boston set a major league record by scoring 10 runs before the first out. The 50-minute, 91-pitch first inning came during a             25-8 victory over Florida.” The Sox went on to score 14 runs in that first inning.
There are a few other listed in the article as well. These types of articles always intrigue me because they really show the deep history that runs through the game as baseball. Today's doubleheader, if anything amazing happens in both games, seems primed to be in this section next year.

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