This Blog and the Next 9 Weeks

When you read the articles posted here for the next 9 weeks, please take what I say with a grain of salt. One thing I hate to do is post without really knowing the situation, but that is what I have to do right now. I am at the start of a 9 week job this summer that has me away from the computer the majority of the week. When I can get internet access, its generally for 15-20 minutes, and if you write a blog, you know that planning an article can take 5-10 minutes, writing it 10-15 minutes, and then a minute or two to check the article for spelling mistakes. So, I will try to post when I can over this break, but its hard for me to get current sports news (no newspapers up here yet, expecting the first to arrive sometime next week). In short, I will try to be as factual as I can, but I will make mistakes for the next 9 weeks, so if you catch a blaring one, please post it in the comment section below. Thank you for understanding, and when I return from this job, I will be posting on my regular 2-3 post a day schedule through the rest of the baseball season and hopefully 1-3 posts during the off season

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