Slow News

You know its been a slow week and a really slow day regarding baseball news when the first picture/featured story on is Darin Erstad signing with the Astros. He spent 12 years in AL with a carear .284 BA, but batting .248 last year, and .221 the year before that. (They year before that he hit in the .270's but before that in the .250's…I think you get the idea).

In other small pointless news, is reporting that Kei Igawa's name has been put in the mix for a possible trade between the Twins and the Yankees. Its understood that if this is true, Igawa will not be the name breaking or making this deal, that honor still goes to Phil Hughes.

To prove that I am really stretching for news, my last bit comes from Pulaski, Va, dating to Dec 21 when the Seattle Mariners announced that they will have a team in the Appalcian Rookie League this season there. Last year there was no team due to a pull out of the Blue Jays from Pulaski (making the league 9 teams). Some interesting facts about Pulaski, all found on, is that the stadium opened up in 1935 and so far, seven major league teams have been affilated with the Pulaski area. The Mets have a team in this league as well in Kingsport, Tennesee.

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