This is just an idea. Its not a rumor, probably has limited support, it just popped into my head earlier today, and I wanted to see what other people think.
If no F.A. starting pitchers are signed or traded for, our rotation is probably like this:
El Duque
The idea that I wanted to talk about is an interesting Spring Training Experiment the Mets can try Spring 08. Lets say that the Mets sign a few strong right handed bullpen men this offseason. So why not have a competition between Pelfry, Humber and Heilman for that final rotation spot.
Its no secret that Heilman has always wanted to be in the rotation. He has been pretty solid in the pen, but lets say the Mets get 2 good right handed bullpen guys, why not try Heilman for the rotation.
Personally, based on what I have seen the last few seasons, I would really have to be wowed for Heilman to make the rotation. He is good, but I do not think he is effective more than once around a batting order. But during Spring Training, you never know what you might discover. (And then again Spring Training is not truely accurate for how a season plays out) The likly hood of this scenario happening is very very slim, but its still a thought