Numbers Daily: Green and LoDuca

It seems like Green and LoDuca, have been on a tear recently. How good is this tear? Lets look at the numbers:

Green in his last 10 games has a batting average of .423. He has 11 hits in 26 AB, including 2 homers. The downside to this tear is that in his last 10 games, he has only had 3 RBI's and scored 4 times.

LoDuca has also been on a tear. His average during his last ten games is not like Green's, LoDuca only hitting .286 (which is above his season mark anyway) be he also has 7 RBI's. (2 Runs).

The Stat to really look at is his September stats. He is hitting .302 this month with 16 RBI's.


Really interesting stats, really interesting stats.

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