Long Break

With many techincal problems, I am back for a post for now, I know its been a long break, and hopefully in a few weeks I will be back to posting reguarly.

This past weekend, I was in Cooperstown to see Ripken and Gywnn (and also a surprise speech by Tom Seaver for the introduction of the Ford Frick winner). Of course there a lot of mets fans, as I also got a chance to listen to the golden voice of keith on SNY. (including seeing the clip from when he broke his reading glasses by accidently flicking them out of the announcing box).

So naturally I have a lot to say about that and of course the Mets.

First off, Jose Reyes is now in the #305 position on all time stolen bases. On the active player only list, he is number 28. He recently passed Frank Robinson and Jeff Bagwell, amoung the standout names.

Before the allstar break, I think the number was something like 1.98 homers per game, well in 15 games last night, there were 32 homers, so last night it was 2.13 (it seemed like there were more homers across the league last night)

One of the funnier moments in cooperstown was when I was walking down the street, behind a father and son, and they passed a building were Pete Rose was signing, so the child. who had to be areound 7, asked his dad if they could get his autograph, to which the dad said “NO, he is a bad man, a very bad man.”

That day was the day of the day night double header with the nats, and the day game was on and the person i was standing next to said this, regarding gotay's running in the seventh inning “he is running like shawn green”

How about the Mets today winning back to back games where their opponents have scored more than 3 runs, Its been a while since that one (granted the fourth run today came in the ninth inning)

Oliver Perez is now 8 strike outs away from 800 in his carear. On another note, in 2005 he had 97 strikeouts, in 2006 he had 102, and this year he has 119, I dont think he will get to his 2004 mark this year, but to quote phillips from last night, his short carear does feel like a long one due to these ups and downs.


I am a camp counselor during this time of the year…I noticed today that I really did turn a lot of kids to the Mets, good for us, bad for their parents. All of my kids from last year have a huge Phillies Fan as their counselor, and they driver her nuts with the Mets…gotta love kids

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