Smoltz again

For the third time this year, the Mets will face Smoltz and for the third time this year, Glavine will be pitching for the Mets.

We all know that Delgado is slumping, but he had a good game last night, and he has some success agaisnt Smoltz, boasting a .344 average with four homers.

The traffic light for Green is Green when it comes to Smoltz, with a .522 avg in 23 AB. (That was a horrible attempt at pun).

On the Wright watch, he has a .250 average agaisnt Smoltz, 8 hits in 32 AB, and two homers.

Beltran has not had that much success agaisnt Smoltz, he has 6 hits, 2 homers, and .222 average.


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