Tonight the Mets will face James, and hopefully fare better than they did agaisnt Davies.
In his one start agaisnt the Mets this year, James lasted 5.1 innings, and allowed 6 earned runs. In that game, he allowed 3 homers (Castro, Easily, Reyes) which is half the amount of homers James has allowed this year.
In his carear agaisnt the Mets, he has pitched 16.2 innings, and has allowed 13 runs, 5 homers, for an ERA around 7.
With all of this, the Braves get the Vegas line for tonight.
Perez's first start this year was agasnt the Braves, where he went 7 innings and allowed 1 run. Then he went and had a bad start. Eyes will be on him to see if he can pull 3 consecutive good starts. The Mets won that game 11-1.
In his carear agaisnt the Braves, Perez is 4-3 with over 50 innings pitched, with an ERA around 3.25.