As if things couldnt be easier for the Braves, and tonight

So we all know that the next 4 days for the Braves will be easy agaisnt the Nationals as they get ready for the their three game showdown with Boston. Anyway back on topic, Shawn Hill, the best pitcher for the nats, who was going to pitch on one of the days that Hudson and Smoltz was not, is now on the DL

The Nats had a legitamit shot at winning the game.


Well tonight will be filled with all sorts of reunions. First, there is Floyd who will be coming back to Shea tonight.

One of the reasons why i am so glad this is a national tv game, He is one of my favorite players for his personality and his sense of humor, and i still proudly wear his Mets Jersey

Marquis will be agaisnt Glavine, (old teamates) but i really dont care so much about. What I do care about is numbers, because i like numbers. This year, Marquis's ERA is 1.70, carear against the Mets is 3.96, however, last year, it was 5.27. One of the biggest abusers on him last year, is now on the Cubs (Floyd). Armas Rameriz is a .500 batter agaisnt Glavine.

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