Wrapping up the Brew Crew, Braves and Bucs and on the horizion

Todays game had everything for any baseball fan. Oliver Perez went deep, 8.1, and allowed only one run off two hits. Power? Beltran sent number 8 over the wall while Easily…yeah Easly, sent #5 out as well today. (This one is my favorite) you like speed? Reyes stole #23, Wright stole #5,6, and 7 and Gomez in his debut (2-4) with his first stolen base. This game was just all around good.

To make this day even better, the Braves got pounded 13-2 by the bucs, leaving the mets on .5 games out of first. Of course now comes the really not fair part of the home stand. The Mets have to now go play the Cubs while the Braves go play the Nats.

First, the Mets will deal with Marquis, who has really flipped this year. Last year, he boasted at 6+ ERA, this year, its 1.75 ERA. hopefully the Mets can mess him up. Next the Mets get the ace, Zambrano, who has had an up and down year so far, a lot of downs, but he is bound to get it back toghether soon. Many Mets fans should remeber that last year, Zambrano started off that 11 run inning they had agaisnt the Cubs. Next up is Hill whos 2.51 ERA doesnt tell all of his story. He is one the aces of this team if not the ace. His ERA was inflated in his last start which was 5 earned over 5 innings, so this is not a walk in the park at all. Next is Angel Guzman, who has never had a win in a start, is 0-0 this season, and was also rocked last time he started.

As a team, the Cubs were doing well for a period until the Phils rocked them for a bit, and now they are trying to get back up to how they were doing about a week ago.  They beat the Phils today tho. Their starter, Lilly went 8 innings and allowed 1 run.

The Braves have both of their aces, Smoltz and Hudson, going in their four game set with the Nationals. They will first bout with Bergman, argubly the second best on the National roster right now, with his 3.07 ERA. Hudson faces the 0-4, 6+ ERA Williams. Klye Davies will get the start agaisnt the Nationals best pitcher, Hill, with a 2.70 ERA. Chuck James gets Chicko in the last set, with 5+ ERA

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